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Cab Mounting

Cab Mounting

Realizacja zamówień, których płatność potwierdzimy do godz. 14:00, rozpocznie się tego samego dnia
Odniesienie: 4382
Ilość sztuk w opakowaniu: 1
Cena jednostkowa:
Dostawa i zwroty



Landini 80 Blizzard Ghibli Legend NG Mythos Vision Landpower Mythos Tier 2 Powerfarm Meccanico Tier 2 Series120mm Centre Of Hole To Centre Of Hole

Cab Mounting Landini 8880 & Blizzard 120mm centre of hole to centre of hole
Oryginalne odniesienia do części:
4382 Cab Mounting Landini 8880 & Blizzard 120mm centre of hole to centre of hole Cab Mounting 4382 | 30/4114-15 | 3533074M1 | 0.255.7654.2 | 6617890A2 | 02557654 | 02557654.2
Kompatybilny z traktorami:
80 Series
6880, 7880, 8880, 9080

Blizzard Series
Blizzard 50, Blizzard 60, Blizzard 65, Blizzard 75, Blizzard 85, Blizzard 95

Ghibli Series
Ghibli 100, Ghibli 80, Ghibli 90

Legend Series
Legend 105, Legend 115, Legend 130, Legend 145, Legend 165, Legend 180

Mythos Series
Mythos 100, Mythos 110, Mythos 90

Vision Series
Vision 80, Vision 90, Vision 100

Landpower Series
Landpower 115 Blu, Landpower 125, Landpower 130 Blu, Landpower 135, Landpower 145, Landpower 160 Blu, Landpower 185, Landpower 165

Legend NG Series
Legend 185 NG, Legend 120 NG, Legend 140 NG, Legend 160 NG

Mythos Tier 2 Series
Mythos 105, Mythos 115

Ghibli Tier 2 Series
Ghibli 105, Ghibli 85, Ghibli 95

Powerfarm Meccanico Tier 2 Series
Powerfarm 105, Powerfarm 75, Powerfarm 85, Powerfarm 95, Powerfarm 60

Legend NG TDI Series
Legend 135 NG TDI, Legend 125 NG TDI

Vision Tier 2 Series
Vision 105, Vision 85, Vision 95


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